Friday, December 30, 2011

28 weeks…

I can hardly believe we only have 12 weeks left of this pregnancy. I got another ultra sound at my appointment yesterday…

Isn’t she beautiful? ha, ha she is you can just trust me. Next month is our 3-D ultrasound then I’ll have proof she’s as precious as I know she is!


Me on the other hand… not so beautiful, or precious but we do have 1 thing in common we are both growing bigger each and every day!


I wouldn’t say I am miserable… at least not yet. However, I am definitely not as comfortable especially while trying to sleep, sit, or work. Everything I do just seems like it takes a lot more energy and effort, but I’m hanging in there and still feel lucky I’ve had such a great pregnancy thus far.

My mom got to come with me to the doctor this time and I was so glad to have her by my side since I had to do the glucose test including another blood draw and get a flu shot- I’m such a wuss! But I did so good and was so brave, really I was I’m not just tooting my own horn here. Naturally, my mother spoiled me like crazy after the appointment including:

-4 new shirts

-a new pair of designer maternity jeans

-stretch mark cream (none yet, but my belly is itching like crazy and I’m afraid they are well on their way)

-maternity underwear (tmi?) p.s. they are AMAZING!!

-hickory farm mints

-2 new pillows

-lunch at Carinos

Now you know whose to blame for me being a spoiled brat Smile My mommy made me this way and I love her for it!

5 A.M Partay…

This baby girl of mine is like her momma already! This chick knows how to party, she fist pumps too (Jersey Shore anyone… anyone?) I’m nearly positive of it. I poke and move her all day long trying to get her to wiggle but it never fails every morning about 5 AM she begins to let her wild side out and she goes crazy and busts a move. It wakes me up out of a dead sleep, then I roll David over on his side, put my belly in the small of his back and let her beat on him until her little heart is content all the while I lay with a huge grin, smiling because I know these moments are passing all too quickly! I love this little girl of mine I get to pack around all day everyday, she is so precious and dare I say fun? If only she would stay in my belly and out of my back, that would be well appreciated.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

boys will be boys…


sometimes I question if this husband of mine will ever grow up, then I realize I may be a little too grown up for the both of us and it will be nice when we have kids in the house that he is a kid at heart simply in a grown mans body. David bought himself an RC… ok 2 of them… did I complain? yes. Does he deserve it? yes.

Christmas was good this year… there I said it and I actually meant it. 10 times better than the last few years, which wasn’t hard to top. We enjoyed dinner with my mom on Friday, a visit to my dads house on Saturday along with a get together at Dave’s Grams, then Sunday we slept in until 9:00 A.M. (Santa was late) and spent the day at Grams had a delicious lunch and finished the evening with a gift exchange at the in-laws. It was a success! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it lots more I am so lucky to have in-laws that I absolutely love and they treat me like I’m one of their own, so fortunate! It seems like everyone this time of year is complaining about having to see the in laws but not this girl it’s something I get to look forward too.

Monday, December 19, 2011

tis the season…

I am so glad all of our Christmas shopping is done, wrapped, and those that need to be mailed to PA (p.s. I still hate you) now in the hands of the post office. It’s a relief really. I hope this year I can enjoy the festivities of Christmas in it’s true meaning surrounded by family. Last year was a bad Christmas… the year before that was worse. I’m determined to turn over a new leaf and not make this a negative time of year although it’s hard… oh so hard. I would give my left arm (maybe not literally) to be at home again Christmas morning with my mom, dad, sis and bro opening presents together and having breakfast. Or to open our new pajamas and cruise around town looking at Christmas lights, laughing, talking, singing, and wondering where Santa was. UGH! The only thing that keeps me looking forward is knowing one day soon David and I will start our own tradition with our kids. I hope I can give our kids a wonderful childhood like I had, I worry about that… I think this is me going into mommy mode.

One of my favorite things about this time of year is cinnamon covered almonds. Thank you mall for being so busy my husband walked in, smelled the almonds, bought the almonds, and decided there was too many people for him and left… with the almonds.


I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Like my dog does…

Have you heard this song? It’s so funny, and there is meaning behind it at our house. Jax (our dog) loves David a lot and the feeling is mutual- disgusting really. I don’t like animals very much, not at all actually and never really have. Just when I started to kinda like Roxie (our old dog) she died, which reminded me when I don’t get attached to 4 legged mammals. Almost every day when David gets home Jax runs to the door, wags his tail, barks, jumps on David and licks his face half clean and yes I complain, but without fail Dave will say “why don’t you act like Jax when I get home?” or “I wish you were as excited to see me as he is.” It’s disturbing really. Today he asked me if I’d heard this song, I had not. So we looked it up on you tube and it fits us pretty well, except for the rude remarks about his sister.


A few of my favorite lines:

He don’t cost me nothing when he wants to go out.

He never says, “Why don’t you get off that couch?”

He never asks me “Where the hell have you been?”

He don’t play dead when I want to pet him.

When I come home I want you to just go crazy.

*I knew going into this marriage we would always have a dog… it was one of David’s few requirements and at the time I didn’t think it was a big deal but now… ugh! The thought of our nice new house having dog hair in every corner and the thought of a newborn having dog hair in her belly button ew! Seriously ew!


Maybe someday I’ll love him like our dog does…

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

25 weeks…

classic photo in the mirror I know. Last time I asked hubby to take a picture for me it was entirely too close and a full on belly shot- not attractive. Hence the reason I decided to stick to the self portraits.


Since I’ve been extra forgetful I’ve started making lists to remind myself of even the simplest things. I even wrote a list to remind myself to make a list, true story. I even write things on my list that I probably shouldn’t forget like water that huge Christmas tree in my front window that you would think I couldn’t overlook- you’d be surprised. Or find my scarves… I forget until it’s too late and I’m running out the door with an itchy coat around my neck. Those buggers are m.i.a since the move and I’m not feeling good about it seems how I never found my missing spice rack.


Now I’m off to get a few more items checked off my list so I can hopefully make it up to Grandmas for some Christmas goodies cooking time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The truth is…

-I listen to the acoustic version of Hinder-Lips of an Angel everyday on my way to work (and sometimes on the way home too) this baby girl growing inside me fist pumps every time it comes on and through the entire song which makes me smile and laugh while it’s playing. Embarrassing right?

-I’ve drank more soda just in the past month then I probably drank all last year. What can I say Cherry Pepsi is where it’s at. I even bought the Diet this last time because I’m fairly certain David drank the last regular case I bought to himself- and I know he won’t drink diet… I was right.

-I’m still a overly sensitive and cry much more often then ever before. Over tv commercials, songs, my dog you know the important stuff.

-I have been ultra forgetful. Yesterday I forgot a bag at Fred Meyer after doing some grocery shopping, didn’t realize it until I got out to my car and I was missing my sour straws, went back into the store only to forget why I went back in, then remembered I forgot to return my Red Box movie that was on my desk at work so I went back into work got the movie, returned it and was pulling out of the parking lot when I realized I forgot that bag with the sour straws that I NEEDED. That is a true story.

-Hubs loves my pregnant belly. He may even love me a little more now I’m carrying his child too. He’s awfully good to me, even when I don’t deserve it. He talks to my belly and calls her by name, even though she doesn’t have a name yet.

-I know we really are having a baby but in a way it still doesn’t feel real. Obviously she is in there and moving but it’s hard to comprehend the fact we’re going to be parents.

-I ordered mozzarella sticks and a hot chocolate at Applebee’s and the waitress didn’t even make a comment… I think she knew better then to mess with the prego woman!

The End.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dear PA,

I call you PA mostly because I don’t even know how to spell your whole name and I’m ok with that, I hope you are too. A short year ago I said I disliked you because I was afraid of saying the “H” word on my blog but now I feel like you deserve it… I Hate You Pennsylvania! I hate that a year ago today my sister and nieces were in that car pulling that U-haul all the way to your stupid state.

I hate that I haven’t seen my sister in an entire year (but so lucky I got to see my nieces this summer) and I hate it really feels like five years since I’ve seen her! I hate the thought of her not being here for my 1st baby shower or the birth of our 1st child. I hate, hate, hate you Pennsylvania and I think you are a selfish piece of land. But most of all I hate that my sister and nieces love you so much! I hate that they brag about how beautiful you are. I hate that they talk about how many fun things they’ve done and seen while in your presence. Everyone knows Idaho is much more awesome than you are. Mostly, I’m jealous of you for having that amazing part of my family- you don’t deserve it!



P.S. please die and force them to come home forever, my hateful feelings toward you might change if that happened Smile

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I Heart Days Off!

Most days I don’t have to work are awesome, but this one tops the charts even if I’m feeling a bit under the weather (again):

-It all began with a hot bath (sorry child if it was too hot for you, I needed it, these growing and stretching ligaments needed that blasted hot soak and it won’t happen again, promise)

-which in turn was so relaxing and awesome made me 15 minutes late for my 9:05 (seriously, who schedules on the 5’s?) doc appointment.

-at the appointment I got to hear the amazing heart beat of our precious little girl who is measuring a couple weeks ahead of schedule and has only allowed me to gain 1 pound so far. My blood pressure was “great” which is nice since it always seems to be a little high. I also got to ask the doctor my list of bizzilion questions (and yes I had to make a list because no matter how important the topic I continue to be forgetful) p.s. I’m getting another ultrasound next appointment just to double check she really is a girl.

-I called to tell hubby all is well when he invited to me lunch- yes please!

-a few hours of Christmas shopping is complete and by next paycheck I plan to be done. Big thanks to I.C.C.U who let me skip a car payment for a small fee, you must have known I am trying to figure out Christmas, diapers, taking time off work, paying off a credit card, and saving for the birth of this child all in 2 months- you rock!

-Gator Jacks for lunch w/my Davey. Frito chili pie=delish. Gator bites=delish. 2 cups of hot chocolate=delish. Happy tummy… for a few hours at least have I mentioned this kid HATES chili? I could eat it everyday and it rips me up inside each and every time I do. I might have learned my lesson this time. Hubby ate alligator, eek.

-off to Rexburg I go to spontaneously spend a few hours with my mom and Grandma. I love hanging out and chatting with them but I especially loved the mini banana bread grandma had on her counter, it complimented my cherry Pepsi perfectly.

-got home and cleaned the house, thought about wrapping Christmas presents but tomorrow is another day.

-I wasn’t super hungry so we opt for a modified Applebee’s Maple Blondie instead of dinner. It tasted much better than it looks.


-now I plan on taking a warm bath while popping a few vitamin C,  taking a magic pill that will make me sleep like a baby (and is prego approved), an allergy pill, while drinking a tall glass of orange juice. Then watch a little TV while I cuddle with my hubby wearing his big comfy warm hoodie and wool socks until I doze off to sleep- for tomorrow it’s back to the grind.

I told you today was a success!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…


David and I got our tree up Monday evening. I honestly debated on a tree this year simply because we’re going to have to put one up every year from here until forever now. The agreement is we can have a real tree if and only if David helps me do it all- and he didn’t disappoint.


Although he insisted this be our tree topper.


Since we don’t have a fireplace the banister will hold our stockings.


I love these snow men given to me as a gift last year.

I hope your December days are looking as busy and fun as ours!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Here are some random, and not so random things that are happening in my/our life/lives recently…

I’m currently reading:




I’m currently obsessing over:


Have you tried these? Do it! You simply toss them in the washer with your laundry and they make your clothes smell AMAZING (better than any fabric softener) until the next time you wash it. No joke. But find a coupon, these babies are over $5 a bottle…

I currently can’t get enough:


yes in that order… or visa versa as long as they are a pair.

I currently wish my yard looked like this:


I am tired of the cold/wind but not looking forward to how the roads are when my yard is this beautiful!

I recently saw:

I’m looking forward to Grams table looking like this on Thursday:

but can’t decide if I’m up for the lines on Friday this year…

David recently sold his:

stereo system

ha thanks google for this classic picture (although his didn’t look nearly that good I’m afraid it sounded that loud.)

so we could buy a:

Best husband of the year award goes to him! Seriously, how lucky am I? I think he was a little sad to lose his system but I was beyond thrilled! I always reminded him we aren’t 16, crusing 17th street, trying to pick up the ladies anymore. And he agreed he wouldn’t be blaring the tunes with a car seat in the rear. That was a lot easier than I ever hoped… now if only he understood my crazy hormones, and if only I understood them.

Things that’s recently happened and I blame on baby hormones:

-crying at a wrestling match... I hated to see that little boy who lost start crying, and his dad who was cheering him on give him a high five and a big hug! Seriously, I’m crying just thinking about it.

-crying in the KFC drive thru. The lady asking if I wanted to upsize my soda… and I knew she was calling me fat.

-an old man cut me off while driving and I instantly passed him, honked, and flipped him off. All before I knew he was older than dirt, but I’m afraid seeing him wouldn’t have changed my reaction Sad smile

-I am so forgetful… I even forget important things such as work meetings, doing the schedule, returning phone calls.

-Clean laundry sat in the dryer for almost a week! No energy.

-Dirty dishes are in my sink… and have been for 2 days! 0 desire to care.

-I have vacuumed at least once every other day, maybe because I have a new vacuum and maybe because I’m terrified of seeing dog hair on any article of clothing I own.

-I need to change my bedding… still.

-My dreams are so freaky real. Last night I had a legit nightmare, I woke up literally bawling my eyes out and couldn’t calm myself down or convince myself it was a dream.

-I’m thinking I may never drink an alcoholic beverage again… this is definitely the hormones but I’m feeling great knowing what I did every day (even if I can’t remember the weeks) and knowing I won’t be sick in the morning. I also think this is the #1 reason I still haven’t gained any weight.

Cheers to being half way through this pregnancy and that much closer to seeing our beautiful little girl!

Monday, November 14, 2011

5 day stay-cation…

Staycation is vacation time away from work, but where you don’t actually leave the city you just go about your business and get paid to do whatever you darn well please. Personally, it’s my favorite kind of vacation and one I got to enjoy just last week!

Thursday- I woke up early to accomplish ‘stuff’. Made some pumpkin cookies. I got to have lunch w/Sari and Red Robin… yum! I also indulged in some Orange Leaf and done some shopping.

Friday- I took David lunch, did a few errands and then I was able to spend most of the day with my Grandma, mom, and aunt Amy in Rexburg. We had lunch together and I took my baby book to share along with pictures and ultra sound video. It was amazing to hear from my grandma of the days when pregnancy was almost embarrassing and they would wear large clothes trying to hide the fact and no such thing as a gender check- no thank you! David spoiled me with Texas Roadhouse when I got home and we relaxed the night away.

Saturday- We were off to Logan/Preston Utah for a Spackman reunion/grandma’s 80th birthday party. Where we were able to spend the day with most of David’s family and even hit a cheese factory- how fun! The highlight of my day was grandma’s birthday cake, I can’t even tell you how long I’ve been wanting a piece of cake I just didn’t see any since in buying or making one for just a piece as David wouldn’t care to eat any. When we FINALLY got home Saturday night I was beat, I could almost feel a cold coming on and decided to bath and hit the sack early to knock this cold before it hit me full swing.


Sunday- I didn’t wake up until after 10… :30 then I felt guilty so I made David breakfast in bed. I felt like I’d at least accomplished something for the day so I laid back down for a few hours. Finally I pulled myself out of bed, got ready for the day, did breakfast dishes, started some laundry, got all my vacuuming done (3 levels of house and 2 sets of stairs takes it’s toll on me). David and I went to browse Sportsman’s, he has his heart set on a new gun and stopped at Sonic for a blue coconut cream slush and mozz sticks before going to wash David’s truck at the new car wash off Panchari (it’s amazing, go there!). Sunday afternoon we had a birthday party to attend for little Miss Ahliya who is 3 today!


Monday- I was looking forward to getting “everything else” done today such as: finishing the laundry, changing our sheets, baking something delicious for a snack and something nutritious for dinner, going grocery shopping, paying bills, organizing baby room, and the list goes on. However I didn’t wake up yet again until past 10… in my defense I swear I only sleep good until mid night and then after 6 am. I feel sick so I called David for some sympathy and him to tell me it’s ok to stay in bed all day and he’d help me when he got home, which is exactly what he did. Dang it! So now I sit here listening to the wind blow like crazy knowing how cold it is outside but also knowing I have stuff that has to be done today because tomorrow it’s back to the grind. Wish me luck, and have a great day!

Happy Birthday sis!

Wishing my very favorite sister a very happy birthday! While also trying not to think about how long it’s been since I’ve been able to celebrate this special day with her. I woke up to this picture on my phone…


with the caption “it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.” Ha that’s my sister, and this is why I love her so much…


she had to cut herself off and leave her drink like this because she is that awesome… er… old Smile 

Love and miss ya sis hope this b-day is fab!

Come home?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


These last few weeks I’ve been having the weirdest dreams EVER! To make matters worse they are so vivid and seem so real and when I wake up I remember every little detail. Sometimes it’s funny, other times it’s very disturbing.

One funny dream consisted of a friend I had in elementary school now more like an acquaintance. You know those friends that at the time was your bff but now you only read their updates on facebook and if you passed them in the grocery store you would either dodge an aisle or casually say hi and keep walking? Yeah that girl and I were once again besties (I still hate that word, even though I use it) in search of tampons, we were searching every where in my house for them behind/under/around couches, in kitchen cabinets, washer, dryer, back yard, garage. Seriously what the crap? When I woke up in the middle of the night to make my routinely 3rd potty break I had to look under the sink in my bathroom just to make sure I had tampons just in case someone needed one, maybe.

One disturbing dream was I caught David cheating on me, well kind of he was with a bunch of half naked women (all missing some body part- eye, leg, arm, nose, hand etc) in a picture with a few of his other friends. It was his friends wife that knocked on my door and asked if I realized where my husband was and how I could be so accepting to him leaving the state for a night out with the guys, when I told her he was just working security at a mexi club (which he occasionally does) with her husband and that’s when she showed me the picture… ugh! I woke up mad at David, really mad he asked me if I would start his truck the following morning and I said no then thought how dare he ask after last night when I instantly remembered that was a freaking dream… nightmare really.

One more I was trying to breast feed our baby, she wasn’t cooperating and it was the middle of the night when all the sudden I heard a knock on the door. It didn’t scare me I just walked topless to the front door carrying my child that was wearing snow boots when I realized it was my little brother I grabbed the rug off the floor and wrapped it around me, opened the door to see my brother standing there with a huge smile when I asked why he was so happy he showed me his new tattoo (he is only 16, and was in my dream too) I asked him why the crap he got one and he said because it meant a lot to him and his dream job. The tat was a picture of the Eddy’s logo where my dad used to work ha, proudly inked on his upper arm, seriously?

Not to mention all the ex boyfriends I dream about. Some I only went on 1 date with and others I literally forgot about. That’s when I wake up feeling like I’m cheating on my husband and feel guilty that I’m having these messed up dreams I can’t control.

I’m going to go ahead and blame yet another odd pregnancy moment on crazy prego hormones!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Innappopriate …

There is a reason I entitled this the way I did (so stop reading now if you are easily offended)… I really want a ‘pregnant’ t-shirt. There are so many ways to say it prego, expecting,


baby bump…


bun in the oven…

But my favorite is…


that’s right, I want a shirt that says “knocked up”… even before I got pregnant I knew when that time in my life came I wanted one and if it weren’t for my mom I would probably have one already. She told me that it was inappropriate and something to the idea of it making her sick. Look mom the next one is worse.


now that’s bad! And maybe we could get David in on the new t-shirt scam.

Yeah, I Knocked Her Up Shirt

I know it’s horrible, but in a gross way I find much humor out of it. I think I’ve said enough for one day.

p.s. sorry if I offended you, you can’t say I didn’t warn ya Smile

Monday, November 7, 2011

No shave November…

Why didn’t I know about this sooner? I saw a few comments on Facebook about this glorious idea and wondered why I had never heard such thing. Are you familiar with it? Naturally, I googled it…to (somehow) support prostate cancer, men are going the month of November without shaving ANY part of their body hair. Apparently women felt left out (hey we support prostate issues too) so we decided join in and now it’s all in the fun of the sport. Only a week into it and people are already saying they don’t know how much longer they can stand it or if they can do it at all. I, for one could easily win this contest because it’s been months… or so since these legs have seen a razor. Anyone up for the challenge?

There is a few things I dread doing in life ex: getting the oil in my car changed, cutting my nails, and shaving my legs happens to be one of them as well- plus hubs always complains after I shave because my legs feel like a “cactus.” Easy does it, I don’t shave for a while… long while and he never says a word bonus I have soft, blond leg hair ha!


I recently sent a picture that looks like the one above to my mom (long story short I was wearing capri’s and sitting in my car with my leg up when I noticed my legs were ridiculous) via text with the text “are you proud?” I thought she would laugh and have a funny comment back to me by all means my mother knows me when I got the reply “ew honey, no! I think it’s time to trim those down.”

Moral of the story: support prostate cancer and hide your razor until December 1st. And I’ll have an excuse to go another month… too bad it’s not summer when I don’t wear pants every day Smile

Friday, November 4, 2011

It’s a…

GIRL!! and I am stoked.

I may or may not have thought secretly we were going to have a little boy, and I may or may not have secretly deep down wanted a little girl (all those nieces of ours and the youngest one will probably not quite be a year old when ours is born, can you say hand me downs? yes please). Either way, it’s clearly a girl not by the cute little picture you see here. She was not wanting to participate in her first photo op, I like to think she’s already like her dad (he hates pictures). Stubborn like him too, the more the ultrasound tech pushed on my stomach the more she rolled the other way. So here is the best profile pic we could get…


She’s beautiful, trust me I know. And she’s perfect, trust me I know. And I love this little thing to pieces already, and unless you’re a mom you don’t understand- because clearly I wouldn’t have just last year. She likes to be down low and turned into my back that was her position of choice, makes since why my back is a jacked up hurting mess… ain’t no thang Smile When I made the comment I was glad she wasn’t sucking on her thumb she almost instantly put her hands up to her mouth, don’t do it child you are not too young for momma to beat you. Do you know I have two 7 year old nieces that still suck their thumb? Makes me angry, annoyed really if they were closer I’d cut those thumbs off… it’s true. (sigh, I wish they were closer) It was so cute when they were in my sis’s belly, and cute as babies too I thought, now whenever I see a kid sucking their thumb I cringe (ok, not really). Anyway… I’m glad we don’t have to paint our adorable pink room, but I would have been happy to if she were a boy just sayin. I am just happy, happy that we are expecting a child, happy that she is looking healthy, happy that I haven’t felt like death, happy that David has put up with my mood swings and cranky self, happy that I have a job where the girls are just as excited for this as I am, and so happy both of our families are close enough to get in on this excitement. This was without a doubt one of the happiest days of our lives!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

it’s feeling a lot like Christmas

not because the high was 40 today either.

David spoiled me and bought me:


a new under armour hoodie



a new vacuum, that claims to work better than a Dyson for 1/3 of the price, time will tell and I’ll be the judge. Anything has to be better than the one we’ve been using the last few months. We really want a Dyson but it just isn’t in the budget this year… I’m just excited for a new vacuum of any kind.

I also received 3 huge boxes of maternity clothes courtesy of Ebay today, yay! A few doesn’t quite fit very well but for the amount I paid I think was worth it. Bonus, my MIL can hem thank heavens because apparently I am shorter than I thought (?)

Tomorrow is the big day we find out what this little peanut is… I’m stoked! I feel like I’m 8 again and it’s Christmas Eve, lets just hope we can get some sleep tonight.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

2 days…

until we find out what our little bambino is!


-Chinese calendar says ‘boy’

-draino test says ‘boy’

-baking soda test says ‘boy’

-ring/necklace test says ‘boy’

-basically EVERYONE else (except my mom) says ‘girl’

-David and I are hoping for a healthy heartbeat, 10 fingers/toes, no birth defects, and a cooperative baby to show us what we can expect for our best birthday present ever!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My hero of the day is…

my mother in law!

She hemmed these amazing maternity pants for me and they fit perfectly! I got them for a measly $10 at Ross (I told you I hate spending $, right?) They were too long but I knew just the person that could fix it, and she didn’t disappoint. In only a few short days they are like brand new! I don’t sew… I wish I did… scratch that I don’t even have the desire to learn so I’m so thankful for my MIL!


(yes, my dog thinks I’m nuts… hubby says he’s right. First day wearing maternity clothes and I’m more comfortable already! Full panel is were it’s at!)

p.s. this is not a suck up post. My mother in law already loves me, how could she not I’m married to her favorite child Smile 

Thank you Patty from the bottom of my freaking heart, you made my day… now can you make my bra fit?


I’m sorry my blog has turned into a pregnancy journal, it’s mostly for my own purposes so read if you wish but no one is forcing you… I must start by saying since I got pregnant I swear I come across all the random blog/fb posts about pregnancy and children. It makes me wonder if I didn’t pay that much attention to them before or if there is going to be another baby boom.

I’ve read and heard so many stories about couples trying numerous times and for years with no luck on getting pregnant, it breaks my heart, really it does! David and I were so fortunate to get pregnant right away (although at the time, I didn’t quite feel ready). I don’t know how you could ever be full prepared or in my case “ready” to bring a child into this world all I know is I didn’t feel I was. I clearly remember being married for less than 3 months when David came home from work one day excited because it finally hit him that we could have a baby now, we were married the time was right. We argued over this for many years… literally. I was never that little girl who wanted to be a mom, I was never that little girl who carried around a baby and pretended she was mine. Please don’t get me wrong I always knew I wanted kids but I just didn’t picture myself having a child under the age of 10… silly I know. David on the other hand may have been born to be a father, he is so good with kids he loves every child like crazy and is so good with them. I may or may not be a little jealous…

In May of 2011 after nearly 3 years of David trying to convince me, I had a weak moment (and run out of birth control) it was then I decided to let nature take it’s toll. I didn’t feel “ready” to have a baby but at the same time I didn’t want to want a baby either, if that makes since. I was thinking we’ll see how this goes, in the back of my head remembering my doctor told me it could take up to a year and for some people it happens right away. I decided then and there why I wasn’t comfortable with this baby making idea it’s basically the 1 thing in life I don’t have control of and I’m very good at being in control of things, ha! In June I had a normal cycle, I had been on birth control for years so my cycle was every 4th Friday on the dot and I knew this. In July, I didn’t start on that 4th Friday… weird. My body was off but I assumed it was the years of birth control wearing off and my body starting to figure itself out again. I think I already said this once on here somewhere but David said to me one night when I was a few days late “you’re pregnant” and laughed and said I hoped so because I felt great! I didn’t really think about it much until he mentioned it so the next morning I got up and took a pregnancy test sure enough on July 21st it was confirmed we were going to be parents. David was getting ready for work and I took the test over to him and said “um…” while I stared at him hoping for a reaction, he laughed and thought I was kidding because it was a cheap test that you had to read 3 different lines then follow the pattern to see if it was a yes or no. I cried until I laughed, David was so excited he even did his happy dance, it’s cute ask him to do it for you sometime.

All I started this post for was to say how grateful I am that we were so fortunate not to have the hurt, worry, and play the waiting game to get where we are today. I feel so blessed! I know David deserves it, but I’m still not convinced I do. Besides the obvious growing belly and the strange hormones, sometimes it still doesn’t feel real.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

Missing these cute girls a little more than usual lately, with the holidays quickly approaching and my hormones raging it breaks my heart to have them all the way across the U.S. I still dislike PA for this very reason! Blasted place anyway. Good vs. Evil this year it’s also very fitting. Ha, I love these chicas and can’t wait for the day they are closer to home!

p.s. I swear they’ve grown a foot since they were home during summer break!


Ahliya stayed the night with us last night, she is such a doll! We painted toes and finger nails. We “shattered” her toe nails and I’m bummed I didn’t get a better picture they were so cute. Her finger nails were the classic orange and black but she insisted on putting pink heart stickers on them too Smile As cute as she is mark my words: my child will NOT act like this at the age of 3 or it will get beat. period. Little stinker tests my patients, big time!


In other news:

-Our Halloween will be spent laying low this year. No parties. No costumes. I did work the day shift so I could hand out treats to all the ghosts and goblins that come a knockin' (that’s always been my favorite part is seeing all the kids dressed up and it looks like we have lots of little ones in the neighborhood, I hope they don’t disappoint) I’m still trying to think of an easy dinner and the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for dessert are in the oven.

-Today I won 3 more pairs of maternity pants on Ebay, shoot! I told Dave and he was excited for me, he gets tired of my complaining about my clothes being tight or not fitting then I told him to seriously make me quit bidding until I receive all the items I’ve purchased I can’t even remember what I have coming. Pathetic, I know. So just now I tell him I’m going to get on the internet for a bit when he responds, “babe please stay off ebay.” Ha, I almost forgot, he’s good at following orders.

-Upset I just read a blog about a little girl Ruby. I love the name Ruby, and Kate, and Jane… and David won’t even pretend he’ll think about naming our unborn children any of the above.

-I’ve been telling people I secretly hope we’re having a boy, because we have so many nieces but now I think I’ve changed my mind and secretly hoping for a girl also because we have just girls on both sides of the fam. Mostly I just want a healthy baby with 10 fingers and 10 toes! A friend came to see our new house and when David showed him the pink room I heard him say “this will be our baby room and hopefully we’ll have to change the paint color.” I know he would be thrilled with a little girl, but we need to carry on the Spackman name and no pressure but we’re the ones left to make it happen. Only 5 more days and we’ll know what our little one is, the anticipation is still killing me!