Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Vent session…

I have a few things to complain about. Turns out, I have many things to complain about but only a top few will make my list today.


I am an addict. I need medical attention. I check my facebook numerous times a day and think negative thoughts almost every time I do here’s an example: that quote was pointless, no I don’t want to play any of your stupid games, woo another diaper coupon, your boyfriend is an idiot, I don’t care you’re eating Olive Garden for lunch, I don’t care you have the day off, you have a dent in your car? get it fixed instead of post about it, eww I would never post a picture like that. And those just occurred. I deleted probably over 50 friends this morning and that felt good except I worry what people might think- since when do I care what others think, who knows? So if you read my blog and you are one I deleted, I’m sorry. Kind of. But just because you are/were my family/co-worker/neighbor/friend in high school doesn’t mean I need to read your lame updates and play by play of your life. In turn it also doesn’t mean I don’t like you I’ll still say hi when pass you at the grocery store. Phew… I wish that made me feel better, but it didn’t!


I debated on not filing taxes this year. Kidding, ok so I actually did until I thought about the consequences. I’m sick and freaking tired of seeing the ridiculous about of money withheld from David and I’s checks bi-weekly. It stresses me out and quite frankly pisses me off. If there was a break down of where it was going I may feel better, okay I’ll pay my state taxes and fix roads and blah blah but paying into social security when I’m fairly certain there will be nothing left in the pot when I am old enough to get my share peeves me. And please do not get me started on Medicaid. I’ll help the elderly, and the disabled but I don’t want to support low income families that have 5 bastard children and are actually better off then we are because they either lie to the system of they are too lazy to actually work for what they have. Grr… I should stop my blood pressure is going up and this is not the kind of day I want to have. Point being I feel David and I pay entirely too much into taxes and every single year we file we are relieved if we break even. I might also add they are holding the most out of both of our checks, we can’t catch a break. Remember last year I complained and asked the tax dude what we could do and he laughed (how dare he laugh!) and said “buy a house, and have a kid.” Well Mr. it wasn’t because of your suggestion but we happen to have one of those things done and the other cooking so I hope next tax season I’ll be boosting of this precious child that is also help in the dependent department.

Thanks for listening and have a great day!

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