Thursday, July 14, 2011


Dear Vacation,

Once again you were truly amazing to me. The best way to take a week off work is to have you paying me to do it. Isn’t there something so wrong with getting paid to travel, shop, play, and do whatever I darn well please? I tend to think so. I have a hard time leaving work at work and just enjoying myself but this time I feel like I nailed it! I slept in way too late, went to bed way too early, took way too many naps, made way too many cookies, ate out way too much, watched way too many movies, spent so much well needed time with Roz and B, and went 3 entire days without doing my hair or putting a dab of make-up on! I’d say this last week was a success!

Unfortunately, it’s back to work this afternoon… but in a way I am excited, mostly because I spend a lot of money being at home. Here’s to hoping I didn’t miss too much at work and I am not too far behind!

Much love,

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