Thursday, July 31, 2014


I love Mountain Dew and I REALLY love Cherry Pepsi. I like chocolate milk and I REALLY like beer. Just kidding. Kinda.
Another "secret" to my success that's really no secret at all is I quit drinking my calories. Luckily, I like water preferably ice cold without the ice- water. It's easy for me to drink. I've also noticed it's true sometimes our bodies think we're hungry when we are actually just thirsty. I admit while counting calories I switched to diet soda simply because it was 0 calories but I just don't love it, especially the diet versions of my favorite regular sodas. Diet Cherry Pepsi is ok and Diet Dr. Pepper I could do occasionally but all the additional ingredients seem shady and I'd rather just stick to water. I flavor it when I'm feeling crazy, Crystal lights are easy and have 10 max calories but watch your sodium levels- some lemonades contain more sodium than a soda. I'm learning not to be a "sipper." If I feel thirsty I try to drink more throughout the day so I don't feel like that, because often times that makes me think I'm hungry when I'm not. Learning your body's que's are key! And as much as I've cursed and hated my body (especially after my lame birth story) my body is pretty "normal" and more importantly I'm getting in tune with it!

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