Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Am I sick?

Most of you heard my Arctic Circle story on Facebook if you haven't it went something like this:

I took Afton to play on the toys at Arctic Circle one evening. Their toys are small enough she can actually enjoy playing on them and lets be honest I wanted ice cream, I love ice cream, ice cream could very easily be my weakness- and donuts yum... donuts. Anyway, I splurge and got an oreo milkshake with my burger and fries. I'm not feeling too guilty because by this point in my weight loss journey I've accepted I can't forbid ice cream entirely because a- when I did splurge it would be an entire carton rather than a kids size milk shake. b- I knew this evening was coming and I would indulge so I ran an extra 20 minutes on the elliptical that morning, and c- I skipped out on the extra 200 calorie snack I had packed for work. So while I'm enjoying my ice cream and watching my adorable child play (picture just in case you didn't believe me in her adorableness)

I notice a lady approaching I knew, kinda. I worked with her daughter years and years ago in high school and she had been into the salon before, that's why I refer to her as an acquaintance. I was sitting at the table she walked up said, "Tiffany, I didn't recognize you. You have lost so much weight. Are you sick?" My reply, "no, I'm as healthy as ever and you are an asshole." She stared at me and I stared at her back like shoot did that just happen, did those words just fall out of my mouth? Then just as quickly as she walked up, she turned and walked away. I had been asked before things like, "are you feeling ok? were you trying to lose that much weight?" etc and I knew it was just a matter of time before I could no longer smile, be kind, and explain myself so every flipping person who asked. Unfortunately, it happen to be on the 65+ year old lady I took the months of negative comments out on. I instantly burst into tears when she walked away.  No one (except my hubby, a few close family members that stayed overnight, and girls who heard me complain at work) knew that I woke up at 5 a.m. each morning to get my workout on so I had plenty enough time to get it in before my daughter woke up. It took such dedication on my part and here people start to assume I'm unhealthy or look sick. I remember those tears turned into anger the longer I sat there and I thought how sad is it the world thinks 150 pounds looks "sick". I found comfort in knowing I was doing this the healthy way and it was coming off slower then the people who only saw me every 6-10 weeks to get a haircut realized. I felt better than ever. My sweet family would reassure me I did not look sick it was just such a huge difference especially in my face people would say these comments. I've learned not to take what people say to heart. Now days if I hear a negative comment you will typically hear me respond with "thank you." An example: I hadn't seen my dad in a while and when he walked into my work to get his haircut he said something along the lines of "my hell Tiffany what are you on the starvation diet?" My reply with a genuine smile "ha no way dad but thanks for noticing." If you know my dad you know that is his way of saying 'wow sis you look good, but I can't say that so I'm going to make some sarcastic smart ass remark instead.' I like to think everyone is like my dad when I hear those comments, like they don't know what else to say so that is how they approach it. I do however have to remind myself constantly to care less about what people say and more about how I feel.
More of that and self confidence coming up at a later time.

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